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Espoirs et aléas de la planification urbaine.
Villes intermédiaires au Sud du monde
Edition MétisPresse, Genève, 2021

Et ma conférence de nomination comme
Professeur honoraire à l'EPFL:
Villes du Sud :
Innovations pour un Développement Urbain Durable

Et quelques publications récentes ...
... Coopération internationale
Silvia Hostettler, Samira Najih Besson, Jean-Claude Bolay, ed. (2018). Technologies for Development. From innovation to social impact. Springer & UNESCO, Paris, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London.
Silvia Hostettler, Eileen Hazboun, Jean-Claude Bolay, ed. (2015). Technologies for Development. What is Essential? Springer & UNESCO, Paris, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London.
Bolay Jean-Claude, Silvia Hostettler and Eileen Hazboun (2014). Technologies for Sustainable Development. A Way to Reduce Poverty. Ed. Springer & UNESCO, Paris, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London.
Silvia Hostettler, Jean-Claude Bolay (2014)."Technologies & Partnerships" in Jean-Claude Bolay, Silvia Hostettler, Eileen Hazboun, ed " Technologies for Sustainable Development, a way to reduce poverty?, Springer : Paris, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London.
Jean-Claude Bolay, Magali Schmid, Gabriela Tejada, Eileen Hazboun, ed. (2012). Technologies and Innovations for Development. Scientific Cooperation for a Sustainable Future. Springer & UNESCO, Paris, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London.
Jean-Claude Bolay (2012). "Appropriate Technologies for Sustainable Development" in Jean-Claude Bolay, Magali Schmid, Gabriela Tejada, Eileen Hazboun, ed, « Technologies and Innovations for Development. Scientific Cooperation for a Sustainable Future ». Springer & UNESCO, Paris, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London.
Jean-Claude Bolay & Benjamin Michelon. Collaboration de Benjamin Andriamihaja, Michaële Groshans, Giv Mesgarzadeh, Ansoumana Sane, Abdou Ramani Traore (2011), Evaluation du programme "Coopération pour la recherche universitaire et scientifique » CORUS 1 (2001-2008), Evaluation of the « CORUS » programme of academic and scientific research cooperation, CORUS 1 (2001-2008) ; Synthèse du rapport. Evaluation 2011 N° 115. Direction générale de la mondialisation, du développement et des partenariats ; Ministère des affaires étrangères et européennes, République française, Paris. (
Jean-Claude Bolay (2010). North-South scientific cooperation: A challenge for sustainable development. In Scientific diasporas as development partners. Ed Gabriela Tejada & Jean-Claude Bolay. Berlin: Peter Lang.
... Développement urbain Sud
Bolay Jean-Claude (2021). Espoirs et aléas de la planification urbaine. Villes intermédiaires au Sud du monde. Genève: MétisPresses (
Bolay Jean-Claude (2020). Urban planning against poverty: How to think and do better cities in the Global South. Future City series, vol. 14. Cham: Springer. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-28419-0
Bolay, Jean-Claude (2018). Planning the Intermediate City, or How to Do Better with Little: The Case of the City of Nueve de Julio, Argentina. Current Urban Studies, Vol. 6 N° 3, pp. 366-400. DOI: 10.4236/cus.2018.63020
Maricic Tamara, Cvetinovic Marija, Bolay Jean-Claude (2018). Participatory planning in the urban development of post-socialist Serbia. In Bolay Jean-Claude, Maricic Tamara, Zekovic Slavka, Eds. A support to urban development process. Belgrade: IAUS & CODEV EPFL, pp 1-28. ISBN 978-2-8399-2394-1
Bolay Jean-Claude (2017). Urban Planning in Developing World: Which Alternative for Poor Cities? In Roberto Alvarez, ed. Green Energy and Technology. Springer, Paris, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London
Bolay Jean-Claude, Chenal Jérôme, Pedrazzini Yves, Cvetinovic Marija (2016) Learning from the slums: the habitat of the urban poor in the making of emerging cities. Springer: Paris, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London.
Bolay, Jean-Claude (2016). Prosperity and Social Inequalities: Montes Claros, How to Plan an Intermediary City in Brazil. Current Urban Studies, 4, 2, 175-194.
Bolay, Jean-Claude (2015). Urban Planning in Africa : Which Alternative for Poor Cities ? The case of Koudougou in Burkina Faso. Current Urban Studies, vol. 3, num. 4, p. 413-431. doi:10.4236/cus.2015.34033.
Bolay Jean-Claude; Kern Abigail (2014). Participatory processes in urban planning projects in China. In Technologies for Sustainable Development. A Way to Reduce Poverty. With Silivia Hostettler and Eileen Hazboun, ed. Springer & UNESCO, Paris, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, 2014.
Bolay Jean-Claude (2012). What sustainable development for the cities of the South? Urban issues for a third millennium. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development.
Bolay Jean-Claude; Kern Abigaïl (2011). Technology and urban issues: What type of development is appropriate for cities of the South? Journal of Urban Technology, 2011 Volume 18, issue 3, pp 25-43
Bolay Jean-Claude; Taboada Varinia (2011). Urbanización, medio ambiente y sociedad. in "Ciudades en transformacion: Modos de vida y territorialidades", UMSA CIDES, La Paz, Bolivia, 2011..

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